Community BlogBY Emily Brummund  May 16, 2016

I have been spending time these past few weeks preparing to take part in a professional retreat focused on strengths and leadership. As I have been preparing for the sessions I will lead, I am again reminded of the beautiful design of the outward expression of our talents. Our talents were never meant to be closely held, used only for our own good.  We were designed that our talents would be used for the good of others. Our unique design (unlike anyone else on the face of the earth) was intentional and comes with great opportunity and great responsibility. We were created with a Divine purpose to fulfill during our time on earth, and this purpose is absolutely in service to others.

One of my favorite aspects of coaching my clients in their strengths is to see their mindset change – from a place of seeing themselves as normal and common, to a place of understanding their uniqueness, seeing the difference they can make in the world around them. In helping them to understand their talents, many of my clients start to see their purpose emerge along with the impact they can have on their community around them.

In the busyness of this world, we all find ourselves at times on the proverbial hamster wheel, running and running, never getting anywhere, hurrying through life with our head down, living in survival mode. We were never meant to live this way. We were not meant to live in overwhelming busyness preventing us from investing in the lives of those in our families and our communities. We were uniquely designed to make a difference, to use our talents to impact others, to change our world.

If we were all meant to live this way, it begs the question: Are you using your time, talents and treasure to impact others in your community?

This impact could be packing dry goods at your local food pantry (I took part in this last weekend with a group in my community – it was a blast, and we made real and tangible difference to those in need), tutoring youth at an after school program, giving blood at your local hospital, joining the board of an organization whose mission is close to your heart, working for a political candidate, or countless other service opportunities.  I bet you can think of a dozen additional ideas in the next few moments.

What is life changing about the LifePlan process is that it helps our clients find ways to impact community that is in line with their specific purpose. We look at their talents, their values, their passions, as well as numerous other items to help them identify ideas for impact that aligns with their God given purpose.

So, I will ask again – what are you doing today to impact your community? Are you intentionally making a positive difference in the lives of those in your sphere of influence, your community?

If not, let’s talk. Let us help you to see the value you can add to your community.  Let us see how you were made to impact others. Let us discover together how you were designed to be a world changer.  Don’t leave your job undone. You are a piece of a massive puzzle…and a puzzle is not done until all of the pieces are in their place, where a complete and beautiful image emerges.